electron microscopy



Recent Research Highlights

Review Describing the System Nb2O5/WO3

Niobium tungsten oxides are currently probed as promising candidates for applications as electrochemical and thermoelectric materials. The manifold structural chemistry in the pseudo-binary system Nb2O5/WO3, however, has puzzled solid state chemists and crystallographers since the early 1960s. Based on the ReO3 type with corner-sharing octahedra MO3 (M = Nb,W), various octahedral frameworks cover oxygen:metal ratios in the range 2.5 = O/ΣM = 3.0, i.e. from Nb2O5 (left) to WO3 (right, see scheme). The review begins with an overview about synthesis and structures of the existing phases comprising structures of the block-type and related to the tetragonal tungsten bronzes. Derivatives of a certain phase can be prepared by the substitution of Nb5+ according to Nb5+ = M4+ + W6+ leading to isostructural solid solution series. Aspects of the structural characterization by X-ray diffraction and by various electron microscopy methods are discussed before the listing of physical properties and potential applications closes this overview.

The Complex Crystal Chemistry of Niobium Tungsten Oxides
F. Krumeich, Chem. Mater. 2022, 34, 911-934  DOI


Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division Horizon Prize: John Jeyes Award

For the discovery, fundamental understanding, and technical development of a novel catalytic technology for the recycling of carbon dioxide to produce sustainable methanol (RCS).

Short explanation (video)



TTB-Type NbW Oxides / Single atom catalysts / Cryo-STEM

Defects in Oxides

FCC Catalysts

Luminescent CsPbI3 Nanoparticles / C-Coated FePO4

Functionalized BN / Hollow Zeolites

Single Atoms in Catalysts / Imaging Li in LiBC

Phase Contrast in STEM / Tin Nanocrystals for Battery Applications

Dodecagonal Quasicrystals / Behaviour of Nanoparticles in a Waste Incineration Plant

Catalyst Characterization / Coated Nanoparticles /
Optimization of Catalysts

Cation Ordering in Perovskites / Leaching of ZSM-5 Zeolithes
Cytoxicity of Nanoparticles /
Structure Determination of Bi6S2O15


FK's publications:

orcid.org/0000-0001-5625-1536 ----- Scopus author

ETH Zürich | ETH chemistry department | ETH inorganic chemistry

modified: 20 October, 2023 by F. Krumeich | © ETH Zürich and the authors